
Stocksy_txp48654662aSj000_Small_117523 ways you can be truly blessed.A friend got a holiday card she shared with me a few years ago, and it went like this: "We are so BLESSED" it said..."*Mike got a huge promotion at work, we took a 2 week family vacation to France, and bought his & hers Audis"...it went on to talk about their gifted children and all of their accomplishments ad nauseum.Cringeworthy...am I right?!It's great when friends find financial success, are proud of their kids, and get to take trips and buy things. I love to hear about all the exciting stuff in their lives....but it's NOT because they are blessed!

  1. Keep your #blessed about people, not things:You are truly blessed to have people you love in your life. Your family, your friends, your spouse/partner/loved ones.
  2. Just be yourself!You've got this. You are already blessed. Being blessed isn't happening when there is no adversity in your life, you have all of life's wonder and grace with you already.
  3. Be humble.I'm not talking about the humble brag (like, "I can't believe parking is $24 for my 90 min. yoga class. #cityliving"). It's difficult to find true humbleness in the world of selfies...when we constantly share our joys and accomplishments on social media...but a humble person is helpful, conscious of others, and kind. Try it!

So, go about your day with this true feeling of being blessed...and possibly re-think that holiday card you were planning on sending out.*not his real name!


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