Mindfulness Meditation

Welcome some ease into your life

Meditation in the city of Tampa, Florida

What is mindful meditation?

During mindful meditation, your mind is relaxed and inwardly focused. It’s not about making your thoughts and feelings disappear though; it’s about learning how to observe them without judgment and come to a place of acceptance.

Why do I want it?

Do you ever feel like there’s just too much going on in the world and you need to find a way to slow down and show yourself some kindness? 

Mindful meditation can give you exactly that opportunity. Consistent practice makes it easier to recognize and release negative thoughts and emotions, helping you to reduce stress, increase focus and promote calmness. Studies show that meditating for as little as 10 minutes increases the brain’s alpha waves (associated with relaxation) and decreases both anxiety and depression.

Being able to draw on extra focus and calmness will give you more resilience in the face of stressful situations and allow you to take more enjoyment from being present in the moment. In an increasingly noisy world, this is something we could all do with a bit more of!

How do you deliver it to me? 

It’s not about reaching perfection – there is no such thing – it’s about reaching out to yourself. Everyone will have a different experience; I’m here to support you on your journey and equip you with the toolkit you need to manage stress, anxiety, and self-doubt within your life.

There are certain fundamental elements that always feature in my guided meditation practice:

  • We pay attention to what is happening in each moment

  • We focus on our breath

  • We notice and acknowledge our active mind and any distracting thoughts and then move our awareness back to our breath.

I teach mindfulness meditation in a variety of settings, through online courses, in workplaces and during retreats. Have a look at the different ways you can bring meditation into your life: