Monthly Music: My Kid is in a Band!


I am so excited for my oldest, AJ…after YEARS of playing music in elementary school and high school, they took a long hiatus through most of University and their post-graduate years (ok, maybe they aren’t a “kid!!” anymore). Music has been such a big part of their life, so I was sad to see them let it go during that time!

BUT, they have recently started a band, Melk, in Washington DC with some great people they met on Craigslist (none of them are axe-murders like one worries about when meeting someone on Craigslist…so…that’s great!).

After only 3 months together, Melk put out an EP, and I think it’s really great (though, I’m super partial). Give it a listen, I’d love to know what you think.


The Power of Mindfulness when Coping with PTSD


Mindful Poetry: Rumi’s kindness