Finding Peace in the Corporate World with Mindfulness

Peace at the office. Imagine that.

Are you imagining all of your fellow employees walking around in a state of calm…the coffee machine is always full, and the copier never glitches out…and that assignment that was due yesterday has disappeared.

*record scratch*

Ok, so, that isn’t what mindfulness in the workplace is all about. I mean, a girl can dream, right?!

Mindfulness helps you achieve a peaceful workplace because it enables you to handle the stressors of your job with greater ability.

Just a reminder….mindfulness means paying attention to what’s happening right now…on purpose…without judgement.

So, at work mindfulness can be the simple act of listening with your FULL attention while you are on a conference call (rather than answering emails, web-surfing, or checking your Instagram). It could be taking a moment to pause and notice your breath before a big meeting. Or, it could mean actually taking your lunch break AWAY from your computer (AND phone).

If you are interested in bringing mindfulness to your workplace, contact me, and I’m happy to discuss classes that would benefit your office the best!


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