3 Yoga-Themed Pumpkin Crafts

Who doesn’t love to carve or paint pumpkins for Halloween?

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Crazy people, that’s who.

Pumpkin painting can be a wonderful moment of quality time for loved ones, and you can showcase your own special art for trick-or-treaters to see as they travel through.

Over the years I’ve carved many a smiley face into my jack-o-lanterns, but this year I decided to see how people got creative with their pumpkins with yoga in mind.

The history of jack-o-lanterns stems largely from the tale of Stingy Jack, who tricked the Devil into not taking his soul, but was instead sent to wander in purgatory for the remainder of his afterlife, lighting his way with a jack-o-lantern made from a turnip. Yikes!!

Without further ado, here are three of my favorite pumpkin carving ideas/activities.

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  1. Cookie Cutter Pumpkin

    This is a really simple way of setting out clean lines and creating a pattern for your kids to carve their pumpkins into.

    Plus, you can use any cookie cutters you happen to have lying around, you don’t have to stick with these yoga poses.

    (Although if you DO like these poses you can buy the pack here, plus then you can make cookies with them during any other season.)

    Enjoy sitting with your kids and watching them discover the magic of candles in pumpkins!

  2. Aum Symbol

    This is definitely not a pumpkin carving for the faint of heart, there are a lot of swirls in there that could really cause a novice a hard time.

    What I like to do when I want to carve a pumpkin that is particularly challenging is print out a picture of it and tape that onto my pumpkin, then I can use it as a sort of stencil to cut along.

    I love the use of the aum symbol however, the curves from it catch the light from the candle so well and throw up such interesting shadows!


3. (And of course) the Lotus Pose Pumpkin

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This is for sure the most complicated pumpkin craft I saw in my searching, but I just loved it so much I had to include it!

Anytime I see a lotus pose I do a little happy dance, after all it’s in my company’s name!

I love the addition of the flames on this piece, especially with the actual flame of the candle behind.

If you don’t want to deal with the mess of craving your own pumpkin, an easy way to remedy that is to paint what you want on it instead!

I found a website that has a ton of pumpkin painting ideas, ranging from simple to challenging.

Regardless of what your pumpkin looks like in the end, the point is to have fun.

Before you get out your carving knife or find the spray paint, get your family in on the action or invite some friends over to join in with you!

If you’re interested in learning more about mindfulness, or don’t know where to start, make sure to check out the services I provide!

From my home studio in Tampa Bay I offer yoga and meditation classes (both personal and corporate), as well as workshops for MBSR.

If you’re not in the Tampa Bay area I have several online classes available through Zoom Meeting.

Be sure to follow me @lotusheartmindfulness on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest for more mindfulness inspiration!


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